
....................................................................................................................................... The alienated alien...twiddles their thumbs. A child uncomfortably silent...lost in a maze of blood- curdling wonder. Tears!¡ Bloody tears forming and falling in reverse. These lines of blood slide over the surface of clouded eyes. They coat and scab over the pupils (eclipsing all sight).


Can you hear teeth biting teeth?¿ The squeak of pathetically sinister desperation. I really do drone on!¡

We convinced the doorman to let us in. Red using a few tricks. A few slights of the hand. He pulled out a corrosive smile and a pair of dice, I licked them thrice (giving my blessing). He made the roll...Duppy got three sixes.

Passing from threshold to threshold...

This building, this home...these stairs echo a rhythm that is more apparent when empty. Speaking when sssssilent. It's beautiful!¡


Note to self...this is yet another stop with more shit for us to carry. Don't fall to0 deeply!¡ We are, we are, are we not?¿

This transitional space unroots our fingernails. It wraps around our knuckles squeezing them tight, until turning white.

There is a cackling in the undersilence, a sound I can't penetrate from within this realm. Look beyond it. I don't know. I have no fucking answers. But let's try!¡

Beneath this building’s pleasant vale is a dead weight. I am less interested in his story. You are less interested in this rant of self-indulgence.

What a fucking fool I am. Forgive me. Please forgive me!¡


You see it vibrates in every knot, scratch, mark and letter. The object of the object. The objective object, the subjective object. The subject as object the object as subject.


What am I saying?¿ It is alive!¡

It's still in transit, it’s still moving. A snake on heat.

Your fucking monologue or triple-log is grating my nerves. Stop!¡

Mr Coconut what do you say?¿

I am here, we are here, hear us!¡



Slip deeply into a coma child. Let us cut a wound at the nape of your neck. We will Push our Poison under your skin...deep into the rooted roots that are your veins.

They don't know do they?¿
You brought us here and now we will never leave. I, Mr Coconut will brand my imprint, the invisible signature of a crossing...

When you are sleeping, we are not sleeping. Do you see me...we are more than legion?¿ Cut back the weeds.

We came to embellish blood, to ride out on the wave of doors. Doors lost to a void of deathly Intoxication 🖤 Are you intoxicated, can you taste the rot in the air?¿ Listen for the whispersss. Make another roll.

Gamble it all!!!¡¡¡
We want those dice to be the bullets in your gun. Point hold and fire through your skull to the back of

your soul....................... . ............................ ..... ...... ........!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

We crave the claret at the seed of your core.
Ask your grandfather what is beyond. Ask the viewer to rip into your bullshit. Ask the ancestors where

to next!¡

See you at the next stop, at the crossroads spike. Don't forget the white rum and strawberry creams laced with blades of authenticity.


Coconut over and out :)(:















Untamed Fool 2020!¡
Hazard!¡ Drop!¡ Window Ledge!¡ Sweat!¡ A Hopeful Ending!¡